
Combine locally available ingredients with genuine Italian like: pasta, rice, olive oil, cheese for best results.

Olive oil
The kitchen should have two types of olive oils. Used in cooking and used as sauce. Cooking is cheaper but high quality virgin olive oil.
As a sauce, extra virgin olive oil used in salad should be as high quality as you can buy. It is not worth using it for cooking.

Herbs, spices and vegetables
The flavors of Italian cuisine create the following herbs: basil, oregano, marjoram, sage, rosemary, parsley, thyme and groove. These herbs are available in fresh throughout the year. In addition, onions, garlic, salt, black pepper and dried Pepperoncino chili are needed.
Domestic tomatoes are often too acidic and watery. Cherry tomatoes are reasonably good and can be used. The best result comes with whole, fitted jar tomatoes or a passed tomato, from which I recommend the Mutti brand.

It is a good idea to buy the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and grate yourself just before use.
The closest to the right mozzarella is the Buffala Mozzarella from Finland.
Real ricotta cream cheese is available in larger stores. It must be done on the same day and should be used on the same day.

Only use dry pasta made from Durum wheat with a bronze mold. The sauce defines the shape of the pasta:
Oily or light tomato sauces - thin and long pasta.
Creamy, butter or meat sauces - wide pasta.
Abundant tomato sauces - hollow pasta.

For everyday use, dry pasta is definitely the best choice. However, there is a significant difference in dry pastes in their manufacturing process. Most dry pastes are made with silicone mold. The sauce sticks to the pasta better when it is made with a bronze mold.

De Cecco
Durum dry pasta is made with a bronze mold and dried at low temperature. Definitely the best choice for the so -called market pasta.

Handmade durum dry pasta is slowly dried in cool conditions. The drying method gives the pasta a tasty aroma and a strong structure, so the pasta stays well when cooked.

Market leader in the field of silicone -made pasta.

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