Cooking pasta

Cooking pasta is a simple thing. How can you do such a simple thing in so many ways and usually wrong?

Only salt for pasta boiling water. Pasta boiling water should be at least 3 liters and one liter per eater. Salt to the boiling water is added 1 food-spoonful for each liter. When tasting pasta, in the final stages of cooking, the salt is added when needed.

The pasta is not rinsed after cooking and does not add oil to it.
When the pasta is ready for a couple of minutes, it is mixed with the sauce. The pasta matures the last minutes in the sauce and sucks the flavors.

You can add olive oil to the fresh paste boiling water. For example, Oljy prevents ravioli from sticking to each other during cooking.
If you have to keep the cooked pasta for a moment, you should keep it in your own boiling water. This keeps the pasta loose and the taste and structure are best.

It is advisable to take the paste water in the final stages of cooking and thin the sauce when needed when imging the sauce itself. The cooking water contains the starch dissolved from the pasta, which at the same time serves as a precipitate of the sauce.

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