Sunset Sailing Tours

Koe Helsinki purjehtien

Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice 2022 


  • Koe Helsinki mereltä auringon laskiessa.
    Pääset harjoittelemaan purjehdusta tai voit ottaa ihan vaan rennosti ja nauttia merellisistä maisemista. Lähtö on Katajanokalta, jonne myös palataan purjehduksen jälkeen. Lasillinen kuplivaa sekä pientä makeaa ja suolaista kuuluu purjehduksen hintaan.
  • Lähtö ja paluu Katajanokka
  • Kesto 3 tuntia
  • Min 2 henkilöä
  • Max 6 henkilöä
  • Smartum & Edenred Virike/Kulttuuri/Liikuntaetu käy maksuna
  • Veneessä on pelastusliivit ja hanskat
  • Tarjoiluna pientä suolaista ja makeaa sekä lasillinen kuplivaa
  • 95 € / henkilö


  • Pääset harjoittelemaan purjehdusta tai voit ottaa ihan vaan rennosti ja nauttia merellisistä maisemista. Rantaudumme saareen lasilliselle kuplivaa ja syömään. Purjehduksen harjoituksissa ja reitissä otetaan huomioon osalllistujien toiveet ja sääolosuhteet. Lähtö on Katajanokalta, jonne myös palataan purjehduksen jälkeen.
  • Lähtö ja paluu Katajanokka
  • Kesto 6 tuntia
  • Min 2 henkilöä
  • Max 6 henkilöä
  • Smartum & Edenred Virike/Kulttuuri/Liikuntaetu käy maksuna
  • Veneessä on pelastusliivit ja hanskat
  • Tarjoiluna lounas ja lasillinen kuplivaa
  • 195 € / henkilö


  • Purjehduskurssi on aloittelevan purjehtijan kurssi, jolla opit purjehduksen käytännön miehistötaitoja, eli miten purjevene liikkuu ja miksi se kallistuu vaan ei kaadu, kuinka purjeita käsitellään ja säädetään turvallisesti, ylläpidetään vauhtia sekä miten huolehditaan, etteivät köydet ole aina solmussa. Purjehduskurssille osallistumiselle ei ole osaamisvaatimuksia, innostus oppia purjehtimaan riittää. Kurssin pituus on 32 tuntia, joista 8 tuntia on teoriaopetusta verkossa.
  • Lähtö ja paluu Katajanokka
  • Kesto 4 x 6 tuntia
  • Min 2 henkilöä
  • Max 6 henkilöä
  • Smartum & Edenred Virike/Kulttuuri/Liikuntaetu käy maksuna
  • Veneessä on pelastusliivit ja hanskat
  • Online teoria ja suorituskirja
  • 590 € / henkilö
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What our customers say
Chantel T
Chantel T
3 months ago
My boyfriend and I had an amazing time on this sailing trip. The views are absolutely beautiful and make it easy to shut your brain up and just look. The route and sailing experience help take in the views of Helsinki from the water. Another shining moment for me is the captain. He's very kind and has a lot of information. He has a great sense of humor and really just amplified the experience for us.
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Diego Wallis
Diego Wallis
3 months ago
It was an amazing experience
Betty Kaspar
Betty Kaspar
4 months ago
Sunset Sailing Tour was a great experience. Our Captain, Tero, was very knowledgeable about the lands around Helsinki and was a great sailor. He even allowed us to drive the boat! After our driving, we had a nice glass of sparkling wine and enjoyed the view. I would recommend this experience for anyone visiting Helsinki and I would do it again. Thanks Tero!
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Maarit Eronen
Maarit Eronen
4 months ago
Se hetki, kun moottori sammui ja tuuli tarttui purjeisiin, oli taianomainen. Purjehdus oli ehdottomasti kesän huippukokemus.
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Niklas Möring
Niklas Möring
4 months ago
Wonderful sailing into the sunset around Helsinki - I can highly recommend both the tour and Sunset Sailing Tours. I did the tour already two years ago and was happy to get another chance this summer!
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Iris Heinonen
Iris Heinonen
5 months ago
A super nice experience and a very welcoming and safe captain! Even we as locals got to see new places. We felt very well taken care of and would highly recommend this activity!
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Jarkko Luotola
Jarkko Luotola
5 months ago
The sailing boat was beautiful and we were let steering the boat. At the end we had a relaxed moment with hot chocolate and a nice view over Helsinki. We had a great time!
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Tianyi Li
Tianyi Li
1 year ago
Wonderful sailing experience with Tero! We had a 3 hour sailing around Helsinki archipelago, had some nice hands-on experience of sailing. Tero is nice and friendly, and speaks good English. The boat is more automatic than I expected.
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September 11
Full family cruise with 6 people, very comfortable and enjoyable!
Went on a lovely trip with Tero (The Captain) with my family and young son. First off life vests were available, and one perfectly fit my 2 year old son who had a blast (until he fell asleep on his grandfathers lap!) Highly recommend bringing a few beers or beverages to enjoy on the prow as Tero cruises you around Helsinki. The price point for a great tour cannot be beat. The boat had all the facilities you really need, a small bathroom and a cabin to store your materials. We left our stroller at the Cafe where he picked us up, but honestly it probably would have fit find in the Cabin. It was a great family outing and a wonderful way to spend the evening. The sparkling wine and snacks were a nice way to Cap the evening.
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Alex Kelly
Alex Kelly
August 21
Amazing Evening Sailing!
We had an amazing evening sailing around Helsinki. The captain gave us some great histort and explaimed the area. It was a perfect introduction to Helsinki. Highly recommend doing this!
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Magnus S
Magnus S
August 20
Worth a trip even if youre not into sailing
Easy going sailing with good explanation of what sailing is and how it works. Island we visited was not that exciting but the food and drinks onboard we left back was excellent. On the trip back everyone was allowed to try out to sail with the sails only which was exciting and nice.
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Chantel T
Chantel T
August 18
Sightseeing by Boat, a must do experience
My boyfriend and I had an amazing time on this sailing trip. The views are absolutely beautiful and make it easy to shut your brain up and just look. The route and sailing experience help take in the views of Helsinki from the water. Another shining moment for me is the captain. He's very kind and has a lot of information. He has a great sense of humor and really just amplified the experience for us.
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Arni H
Arni H
July 26
We had an amazing time with the Sunset Sailing tours. The owner and our guide Tero was a great guy, who gave us amazing experience. He taught us abc of sailing and let us steer the boat. We had a blast. The Food onboard was amazing and boat itself nice.. I can honestly recommend the services of Sunset Sailing tours
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Betty K
Betty K
June 29
Great Experience in the Archipelago
Sunset Sailing Tour was a great experience. Our Captain, Tero, was very knowledgeable about the lands around Helsinki and was a great sailor. While I've been on some boats where they have you stand behind the wheel for a photo opportunity, he actually allowed my partner and I to drive the boat! After our driving, we had a nice glass of sparkling wine and enjoyed the view. I would recommend this experience for anyone visiting Helsinki and I would do it again. Not to mention, I found the experience versus price to be a great value. Thanks Tero!
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Lovely archipelago tour by laying on a wooden deck
The sailing boat was beautiful and we were let steering the boat. At the end we had a relaxed moment with hot chocolate and a nice view over Helsinki. We had a great time!
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Iris H
Iris H
June 4
A big recommendation to get the most of your trip in Helsinki!
A very enjoyable and convenient way to experience the beautiful Helsinki coast line from the sea! The captain knows the area very well and we felt safe even in bigger waves! Some hot chocolate was served onboard as it was a chilly day & the captain took a Polaroid photo of us to keep as a memory - we loved this experience!
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